
Showing posts from March, 2011 Desfile de moda realizado por designers amadores - Dia 26 de Marco - 22h - Auditorio Municipal de Portimao Apoiem estas iniciativas, nunca se sabe se o proximo YSL se encontra la' no meio ;) Be fashion

Dear John!

 We offer our condolences to John Galliano, and his amazing work of art, during the period he worked for fashion house Dior. Adding to the last week episode, that resulted in his suspension from the famous brand, today the situation had complicated. The british newspaper, The Sun, claimed the possession of video that reveals another censored attitude. Galliano admits :"I Love Hitler!", adressing to a group of italian and french people saying things like: "your mothers should had died in gas cameras". None of the people in this group were jews. Do you approve this kind of behaviour comming from a known international stylist? WE THINK NOT! and we tottaly agree with the decision of house Dior. but that doesnt mean we will forget about his outrageous, fantastic, from another-world fantasy work, that he developed during his career! So now we're going to pay him a tribute   Os nossos pêsames a John Galliano e ao seu fantástico trabalho desenvolvido sobre o tect...